
Exploring Human Potential

Why Insurance Exchange Glitches Are A Good Sign and Have Obamacare Opponents Worried.

Mike Magee Glitches in health insurance exchange sites were widely reported yesterday, the first day of a 6 month open enrollment period for new insurance programs offered under the Affordable Care Act. While this was undoubtedly a source of stress for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, it was a nice problem to have. It was mainly […]

Calling The Bluff On Senator Cruz – and 5 Reasons It’s A Safe Bet!

Mike Magee October 1st is tomorrow, the day enrollment for the new Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges begin. This includes state exchanges in the states which have elected to create state options, and the federal exchange everywhere else. The law is complicated and complex. All agree there will be bumps. But it will be […]

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