
Exploring Human Potential

Afghanistan, Covid, the Delta Variant …and Fear Management as a Public Health Emergency.

Mike Magee In the past two decades, all manners of catastrophe have managed to land on our laps at the intersection of science, public policy, and information technology. Transparency and truth are the keys to unlocking lasting solutions. But in the meantime, there is a pressing need to manage fear. The U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan […]

How To Expel Trump From The “Island of Common Stewardship”

Mike Magee In our lifetime, we have witnessed the emergence of the Internet and HIV, of globalization and overnight delivery, of bubbles and bursts in our stock market, of the genomic revolution and the aging revolution.  We have witnessed as well great preparation for war, but little preparation for peace. But we have never experienced […]

Reflections on Positive Leadership on the Anniversary of 9/11

Mike Magee As with many Americans and people around the world, September 11 will always be a day for reflection, a quiet day, a solemn day. The fact that our family was living and working in New York City on the day of the attack; the fact that I conducted a number of commissioned surveys […]

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