
Exploring Human Potential

“Avoid Brick & Mortar” = “Care Anywhere” : 2 Names, Same Strategy.

Editor’s Note: In an excellent piece, by Intel’s Eric Dishman(below), we are introduced to the “Care Anywhere” movement. This reinforces our “Avoid Brick and Mortar” strategy for managing health care cost while increasing quality outcomes. Eric’s piece deserves a careful reading. ORIGINAL SOURCE “In the currently raging debates about healthcare, there’s little attention to population […]

Inspiring The US Innovation Engine For Health Care: President Obama’s Visit To Intel

Eric Dishman I am on a plane returning from the annual HIMSS conference on health information technologies. As I watch the borderless states go by far below, I can see the lines and circles of our interstates and highways, which previous generations had the vision and audacity to create for us. Even with the depressing […]

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