
Exploring Human Potential

New Year’s Resolution: Discuss Elder Abuse With Your Extended Family.

Mike Magee As we approach New Year’s celebrations, reports now estimate that abuse of the world’s burgeoning elder populations affects anywhere from 4% to 10% of all seniors globally.(1) Considering that we are on the front end of exponential rises in the numbers of seniors, and considering that the abuses remain largely under the radar […]

Preventing Elder Abuse: 5 Actions That Could Make A Difference.

Mike Magee In  2012 the Institute of Medicine convened a forum on global violence. In the report they noted that, “Although little discussion took place regarding violence against the elderly, some elements of the framework could apply to elder abuse.”(1) It should be no surprise to anyone that the care of elder Americans generates a […]

Are Your Frail Loved Ones Safe? An Important New IOM Report.

Mike Magee The Institute of Medicine this week released a new report on elder abuse. As they state, “The Institute of Medicine Forum on Global Violence Prevention convened a workshop in spring 2012 …. Although little discussion took place regarding violence against the elderly, some elements of the framework could apply to elder abuse.”(1) I […]

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