
Exploring Human Potential

COVID-19 Through An Ecological Lens.

Mike Magee It is fair to say that the vast majority of Americans know more about viruses today than they did 24 months ago. The death and destruction in the wake of COVID-19 and its progeny has been a powerful motivator. Fear and worry tend to focus one’s attention. Our collective learning’s are evolving. We […]

The Planetary Patient: A China Update

Eight  years ago, I wrote about a range of ecological issues impacting water policy in China. It seemed as if unintended consequences were coming about at every turn. Two examples I mentioned at that time had to do with the Three Gorges Dam and the diversion of the Shiyang River. Most are still aware of […]

Turning Over A Rock: Salamanders and Medicare Fees To Physicians

Mike Magee I always felt there was something important and mystical about salamanders. So it’s not surprising that I opened Richard Conniff’s New York Times article this week titled, “Salamander’s Hefty Role In The Forest”. In the Science section article, Conniff opens with this statement, “If someone asked you to name the top predator in […]

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