
Exploring Human Potential

Forward Psychiatry in WW II – The Bias Toward Medicalization and Pharmacologic Intervention.

Mike Magee My father was one of the 45,000 military doctors to serve in WW II. He  entered active duty after his internship in late 1943.  By March, 1944, he found himself in Texas receiving special training in Psychiatry. Six months later he would be awarded a Bronze star for his service as an emergency […]

While Psychiatrists Battle Over DSM Classification Of Grief, Everyday People Struggle To Put Death In Perspective.

Mike Magee Disagreements are common among psychiatrists. And no debate more reliably leads to an intellectual brawl than the classification of psychiatric illnesses in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). This week’s controversy, summarized in an editorial in the Lancet, is whether grief and bereavement reactions should be classified as a major […]

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