
Exploring Human Potential

Placing Coronavirus In Public Health Perspective

Mike Magee The big news this week is the new coronavirus spreading across the globe compliments of China. Prevention efforts are challenging and depend on limiting human contact with and transmission of the virus in a globally connected world. Even in the US, fear and panic spread faster than a wildfire. In response to a […]

Global Burden of Disease Update – U.S. Mortality 58th.

Lancet Interactive HERE   The Lancet just updated Christopher Murray’s longitudinal study on Global Burden of Disease. Now entering its 20th year, it continues to show the advance of chronic disease over communicable disease as a source of mortality and morbidity(in 3 out of 4 cases). In the latest rankings, the US finished 24th overall […]

Global Burden of Disease: 2012 Study Update – Where are we?

Mike Magee I was recently conversing with a group of public health students on the state of affairs throughout the world when the conversation wandered into the area of “Global Burden of Disease”. To my surprise, the level of knowledge and understanding of the term – its origins, purpose and intent – was highly variable. […]

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