
Exploring Human Potential

There Is No Safe Haven for Patients in the Privatized U.S. Health Care System.

Mike Magee TIME correspondent Karl Vick, in an article titled “What Happens When Amazon Takes on Health Care”, in February, 2018, wrote:  “The U.S. health care system is the antithesis of Silicon Valley.” But is it really?  Vick was referring then to the formation of a new, as yet unnamed non-profit joint venture between Jeff […]

While You Were Sleeping – Majority of Physicians Now Support Single Payer.

Mike Magee During the dog days of summer, the Trump Administration has continued its attempts to dismantle the ACA, bit by bit. But in the process, they are inadvertently reinforcing  the foundations for more comprehensive reform supported not only by a majority of patients, but also now by a majority of their physicians. Consider last […]

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