
Exploring Human Potential

End of An Era: AMA Announces Closure of American Medical News.

For many physicians, the arrival of American Medical News in the mail was a welcome distraction from patient care or teaching responsibilities. It provided a unique summary of medical news and policy as well as a healthy dose of medical politics. For contributors to the content, its’ staff were accessible, professional and helpful in every […]

The Devil Is In The Details: Grappling With ACO’s

Mike Magee In a recent piece, “American Exceptionalism and The Affordable Care Act”, I layed out an optimistic view of the legislation’s potential. I did also state however that “Of course, this is a work in progress. We face many challenges and unintended consequences ahead that, once revealed, will need to be addressed. At the […]

When It Comes To End-Of-Life Decisions, Which Of These Two Women Do You Trust?

Mike Magee When 2008 GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin came out with her “death panels”, most of us who had worked with and advocated for “Living Wills”, “Advanced Directives” and end-of -life discussions never thought she would be taken seriously, even though there was a past history to this distortion.(1) We thought the governor’s remarks […]

American Medical News Reports: Dr. Berwick’s “Triple Aim” Plan

Original Source Here Chris Salva New CMS Chief to focus on quality, organization and costs In his first major remarks on the agency’s direction, Dr. Berwick spells out his policy goals under a “Triple Aim” plan. Speaking at a conference hosted by America’s Health Insurance Plans, Dr. Berwick lauded the Affordable Care Act as “the […]

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