
Exploring Human Potential

“The AMA (and the AAMC) Does Not Speak For Us.” – Oh, Yes They Do!

Mike Magee President-Elect Trump’s nomination of Rep. Tom Price for HHS Secretary has been ethically compromised from the start. The NEJM article last week, penned by the current and former department heads for HHS, simply defined the myriad of issues that undermine his candidacy in black and white. The AMA and AAMC’s bullish recommendations of […]

The Physician Psyche – An Existential Crisis of Our Own Making

Mike Magee The medical journals these days are replete with analyses of the latest health reform measures, and their negative impact on the physician psyche. It would be easy to simply connect the dots, and say that physician discontent is the result of ill-advised organizational changes. But, in reality, this problem has plagued the profession […]

AMA’s New Sunbeam Crisis: The AMA Federation’s “Trojan Horse”

Source:Wikipedia Mike Magee In August, 1997, the leadership of the AMA ignited an existential crisis by agreeing to loan their imprimatur to the Sunbeam corporation. The imprimatur, along with an AMA endorsement, was to be assigned to Sunbeam products in nine home-care categories including heating pads, vaporizers and blood pressure cuffs. In return, the Florida […]

The Man-made Opioid Epidemic: Part 5 – Quality Control of AMA Federation Societies.

CDC: Rx Drug Overdoses Mike Magee “Since the desire of man to alter his state of consciousness is as old as human history, and technology continues to provide a breathtaking array of drugs capable of producing everything from oblivion to nirvana, I think it safe to assume that we may never win a ‘war’ against […]

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