
Exploring Human Potential

“AI god Tells Medical-Industrial Complex: ‘Your Health Care System Is Perfect!’”

Mike Magee One of the top ten headlines of all time created by the satirical geniuses at The Onion was published 25 years ago this December. It read, “God Answers Prayers Of Paralyzed Little Boy. ‘No,’ Says God.” The first paragraph of that column introduced us to Timmy Yu, an optimistic 7-year old, who despite […]

“The Power To Part The Red Sea, While Failing To Scale The Ten Commandments.”

Mike Magee A few weeks ago New York Times columnist Tom Friedman wrote, “We Are Opening The Lid On Two Giant Pandoras Boxes.” He was referring to 1) artificial Intelligence (AI) which most agree has the potential to go horribly wrong unless carefully regulated, and 2) global warming leading to water mediated flooding, drought, and […]

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