
Exploring Human Potential

Steven Landers MD in JAMA: “Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care.”

“Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care. These include independence at home programs, accountable care organizations, bundled payments, patient-centered medical homes, and readmission reduction initiatives. These approaches incentivize physicians and hospitals to partner with HHAs to avoid unnecessary hospitalization and institutionalization while also avoiding marginal HHA […]

Preventing Elder Abuse: 5 Actions That Could Make A Difference.

Mike Magee In  2012 the Institute of Medicine convened a forum on global violence. In the report they noted that, “Although little discussion took place regarding violence against the elderly, some elements of the framework could apply to elder abuse.”(1) It should be no surprise to anyone that the care of elder Americans generates a […]

Is Our Health Technology Vision Underpowered?

Mike Magee In the lead up to the 2005 White House Conference on Aging, considerable focus was placed on the interface of aging and technology.  As the Conference approached, and an analysis of aging Boomers with high functionality and high expectations came front and center, the vision expanded and raised the question, “How might technology […]

National Summit On Advanced Care Illness – A Must!

Are We Humans Evolving, Why, and The Presidential Election.

Mike Magee If you were a Swede born in 1800, you would likely have viewed the world as a hostile place and human life as fragile and short lived. That was because life expectancy for Swedes was only 32 years, roughly where it had been for hunter-gatherers for many thousands of years. But by 1900, […]

Oldest Olympic Competitor Ever – Age 71

Hiroshi Hoketsu, age 71,  of Germany,  as he rode Whisper out on to the sand of the Greenwich Park equestrian arena is no newcomer to Olympic competition. He was in Tokyo in 1964 and in Beijing in 2008. Whisper has been his partner for 15 years. He had come to London to compete and, hopefully, to win. […]

Conflict of Interest and Positive Leadership- When History Repeats.

Mike Magee One of the good things about getting older – at least for writers – is that stories reappear from the past but with a different twist. In fact, when stories reappear, frequently they come in two’s or three’s, and the new story is at the intersection. Here’s an example from this week. Eric […]

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