
Exploring Human Potential

Words Matter in Health Reform: Part III – Voters And Health Reform.

Mike Magee Republican’s decade long attempt to torpedo the Affordable Care Act has largely failed, except in serving as a teaching tool for the American public which in majorities now supports universal access to health care and greater government oversight and planning. But to advance to the next step as a nation, we need to […]

Emory’s Center for Ethics, Tom Price, and AMA &AAMC 990’s: An Imagined Senior Seminar Class

Mike Magee The recent endorsements by the AMA and AAMC of Tom Price to head HHS should provide a remarkable future senior seminar in situational ethics for Emory’s Center for Ethics and their much lauded “Health, Science & Ethics Pillar”. The case study’s syllabus will most likely include the recent AMA endorsement, the AAMC press […]

Note to AMA et al: Transparency and Sunshine Are In Your Own Best Interest

Mike Magee The American Medical Association and its Federation, including the influential American College of Cardiology, took a stand this week – for “non-transparency”.  When it comes to the pharmaceutical and medical device industry paying the freight for doctors’ continuing education, they’d rather the patients and regulators be kept in the dark. What they are […]

The Three Pillars of the Medical-Industrial Complex and the Physician. Part I. The Financials.

VIEW ENTIRE SERIES Mike Magee Despite the fact that last week Paul Ryan, on behalf of the Republican party, unveiled their alternative to Obamacare, the likelihood that the President’s signature legislation, and the cascade of transformative changes it has unleashed, will be overturned is slim to none. This is because it has pointed America in […]

The President Drives the 2015 White House Conference on Aging.

Mike Magee If summertime is normally marked by a sleepy Washington news cycle, than 2015 will stand out for many years as a distinct anomaly. Between marriage equality, the trade agreement, the survival of the Affordable Care Act, and now the Iran agreement, it would be very easy to miss other notable events that have […]

King v. Burwell – Thursday, 10 AM. Friday’s Question For Presidential Candidates: “What’s Your Plan Now?”

Mike Magee According to the official blog of the Supreme Court of the United States, this Thursday at 10 AM, we can expect some decisions coming down in the much publicized case, King v. Burwell. But while many Americans have vaguely heard of the case, few understand exactly what the case is about, and what […]

Affordable Care Act. “The Sky is Falling!” No It’s Not.

Mike Magee Since the signing and implementation of the Affordable Care Act, with its successful provision of  coverage for millions of uninsured and expansion of Medicaid in participating states, there has been a constant stream of warnings of impending disasters of various sorts. It will break the bank! Early results show the opposite to be […]

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