
Exploring Human Potential

AMA and Dobbs: “Advocacy” vs. “Action” in a MAGAGA World. – Part 1.

Mike Magee Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”     Book of Common Prayer, Church of England, 1549 Last evening Trump rose from the ashes and declared it was time to “Make America Great and Glorious Again” (MAGAGA). […]

Pandemic Accelerants: The Time Is Right For Change.

Mike Magee  “…quietly below the surface, there are transformational forces underway fueled by pandemic accelerants.”  THCB Gang, March 4, 2021. Change on a societal scale promotes opposing forces – fear and retrenchment battles innovation and exploration. As we’ve witnessed in Washington, the clash can be epic and violent with Democracy itself at stake. Resolution sometimes […]

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