
Exploring Human Potential

The 62 Billion Dollar Question: Can Health Care Overcome Geography?

Mike Magee Sixty-two billion. That is what Medicare spent in 2012 on post-acute care. (1,2) “Post-Acute Care” is the term applied to various types of intermediate care provided to newly released patients from an acute care hospital. The care is provided by home health agencies in the home or by brick and mortar employees at […]

Medical Leaders and Consumers Lining Up To Support Nurses.

Mike Magee On January 1, 2014, as a result of implementation of the Affordable Care Act,  the US will experience a major expansion of individuals covered by health insurance. The law includes three key pillars – insurers must provide coverage to all comers regardless of medical history; all citizens must pay in (either through purchase […]

The Affordable Care Act and American Exceptionalism

Mike Magee Six years ago, in 2007,  I wrote a piece that asked the following questions: “If you wanted to build a new health care system — a vehicle that would transport us to wellness, productivity, security and happiness — where would you begin?  Would you work off of what we have now or build something brand […]

Affordable Care Act: Remembering How We Got Here…And Where We’ll Likely Go Next If Rejected.

Kathleen Sebelius US Secretary, Health and Human Services Several weeks ago the nation tuned into a renewed vigorous debate regarding health care reform fueled by the Supreme Court’s review of challenges to the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. While the final outcome of these deliberations are yet to be revealed, what we do know […]

Peter W. Carmel M.D., AMA President, Pleased With Direction Of Medicare ACO’s

Peter W. Carmel, M.D., President of the American Medical Association sees the current direction with Accountable Care Organizations and advanced payment models as positive for both physicians and their patients. Here’s what he had to say this week: “We are extremely pleased that a majority of the 27 newest Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) announced today […]

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