
Exploring Human Potential

AMA & AAMC Embrace of Anti-Immigrant Tom Price/Donald Trump May Be Costly.

Kaparaboyna Ashok Kumar, M.D. Mike Magee When the AMA and AAMC made the decision to announce their “strong support” for Tom Price to head HHS, they were fully aware of his support for armour piercing bullets, for not regulating tobacco as a drug, against mental health care parity, against SCHIP, for privatizing Medicare, against the […]

AMA Claims Of Right To Lead Largely Ignored

Mike Magee In a September 6, 2012 article in the New England Journal of Medicine written by leaders from the Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion at the University of Pennsylvania and Wharton titled “What Business Are We In? The Emergence of Health As The Business of Health Care.”, the authors write: “….whereas doctors […]

Message To AAFP 2014 “Winter Cluster”: Connectivity + Mobility = Reach.

Mike Magee The American Academy of Family Physicians convenes its’ “Winter Cluster” today. This is a 3 day opportunity for Family Medicine oriented student and resident representatives from Family Medicine chapters around the U.S. to meet and dialogue with Academy officers and Board members. The intent: To chart the future of Family Medicine. The AAFP […]

Time To Pivot: Science Leaders (not government relations dept.’s) Must Assert Control and Republican Leaders Must Dump Norquist.

Mike Magee As we have seen over the past few days, science matters and Americans care for each other. Regarding science, you can deny the truth (as some have done with global warming), but that doesn’t change the reality. It simply delays dealing with it and makes us all more vulnerable to forces we might […]

Competitor Analysis: The Future of Primary Care

Mike Magee Most would now agree that we are approaching a fundamental disconnect in two health delivery trend lines. They are: 1) the growing need and demand for services fueled by our aging population and 2) a growing shortage of primary care health professionals. Where opinions diverge is how to address this growing problem in […]

AAFP Stands With Patients: Statement on Rep. Akin’s “Legitimate Rape”.

Congratulations to the American Academy of Family Physicians.  Yesterday the association stood up for patients and provided clear guidance to their physician members stating that Rep. Akin’s views on “legitimate rape” have “no biologic truth” to back them up. The full release is available at: Thanks AAFP for your leadership on behalf of America’s […]

AAFP Remembers Barbara Starfield MD

AAFP Source Material “Barbara Starfield, M.D., M.P.H., of Baltimore, died June 10 at age 78. A pediatrician and renown health services researcher, Starfield was considered a strong advocate for primary care and a friend to family medicine. Starfield received her medical degree from the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, […]

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