
Exploring Human Potential

Do We Really Need More Physicians?

Mike Magee President Obama’s Affordable Care Act arguably signaled that the status quo in health delivery was no longer acceptable. This was not the result of politics or a desire for social engineering, but a reflection of changing dynamic forces reshaping an out-of-date sector. The three key trends that outpaced our delivery system were an […]

More Physicians Going Part-Time

American Medical News reports, “Increasing numbers of physicians are seeking part-time positions with flexible hours, resulting in higher turnover rates for some small practices that do not adjust to the trend and challenges for those that do.”  Issues? Physician preferences versus patient demand, payment for part-time work, and reactions of full-time physicians.

Long-Distance Caregiving

Colliding mega-trends are increasingly pitting family loyalties against workplace loyalties. As the U.S. population has aged, families have become more mobile, separated by distance, and occupied by work demands. Large numbers of women have entered the workplace and global competitiveness has placed increasing emphasis on worker retention and productivity. Thus, family caregiving from a distance […]

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