
Exploring Human Potential

Out of the Hospital, Into the Home

If Tech is going to transform Health it needs to think outside the box A couple of weeks ago, the tech giants gathered in San Francisco for the Annual Web 2.0 Summit. But if you closed your eyes, you’d have thought you were at a health care meeting. And at the head of the table was […]

Ira Magaziner — Remember Him?

The architect of the Clinton health care plan looks back and offers insights on today’s challenges With Hillary Clinton this week announcing her proposal for Health Care Reform under a Clinton Presidency, it’s worthwhile to view a recent address by Ira Magaziner, the architect of the failed Clinton Health Proposal in 1994, as he reflects […]

Brailer Comes Home

Dr. David Brailer, former Health IT Czar for the Bush Administration, has literally and figuratively “come home.” While part of the administration, with limited resources, he focused on the need for a coordinated national medical information infrastructure. It (perhaps by necessity) reinforced traditional power silos and an interventional system centered on a primary loop for […]

The iPhone, Feature Creep, and Healthy Homes

Here’s a startling fact. According to a study by Philips Electronics, product returns in the U.S. cost $100 billion dollars a year; and over half of those products returned have nothing wrong with them. Why are they returned? In at least half of the cases, the customers either can’t get them to work or find them too […]

Bloomberg Takes On Health Care

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of moderating a panel at the National Health Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. At this annual event jointly sponsored by AcademyHealth and Health Affairs, our panel focused on the current status of technology in health delivery systems. The topic and the excellent presentations by the panelists — Shannah […]

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