
Exploring Human Potential

Telemedicine To Have A Role In Haiti

I wanted to update you on our mission and our anticipated date of deployment of tomorrow, 11 February 2010. Perhaps the most exciting news is that our telemedicine / tele-behavioral health mission has been elevated to the level of White House interest. The National Operations Center of the …US Department of Homeland Security (NOC-DHS) has […]

Digitizing Health

Two years ago, the major national primary care organizations went public with their patient-centered "Medical Home" concept.1 Since then, the AMA and 17 other specialty societies, as well as many Fortune 500 companies have endorsed the movement. This includes a vote of confidence for primary care, patient centrality, coordinated team care and payment reform to […]

How Much Should My Hospital Invest in EMRs Today?

"How much do you think my hospital should invest in electronic medical records over the next few years?” This was the question asked of me last week by a CEO of a large Health Care System, who was a member of the American Hospital Association’s Long Range Policy Committee, after I had just shared with […]

Ix: Information Therapy

Most people know by now that Electronic Medical Records got a boost from President Obama’s stimulus package- $19 billion to be precise. This money will help to incentivize hospitals and doctors to get moving. Currently, fewer than 20% of hospitals and 25% of physicians’ offices are fully automated. Obama’s administration believes that moving the dial […]

“Medical Home” Vision

Too much medical, not enough home As we listen to thought leaders and experts in medical education, public health, chronic disease management, global health and the dual burden of disease, wellness and prevention,  and alternative health, two things are clear. First, change is in the air. Second, our thought processes are converging, even as our […]

Food Safety and Irradiation

The radura label Food-borne safety is front and center once again in America, spawning a boom in home-grown foods and "green" or "organic" alternatives. At the same time, we seem to be losing confidence in an inadequately funded FDA to police food at its source and manage the safety of the increasingly complex global food […]

Wii in the UK

A good example of techmanityI’ve been making the case for “Techmanity” – technology embraced by health care professionals as a human connector and humanizing force. If you’d like a concrete example, and need to put a bit of a smile on your face today, take a look at this piece from the UK on seniors […]

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