
Exploring Human Potential

IOM Weighs In On Sports-Related Concussions In Children

A new IOM report released today flashes a yellow caution light on contact youth sports. The report states in part: “Studies of the shorter-term effects of repetitive head impacts and multiple concussions have had mixed results; some studies show that these injuries result in a decrease in cognitive function — such as memory loss — […]

Concussions in 8 to 11 Year Old’s Is 8X Higher In Football Than In Other Sports

ESPN Reports: NFL Veterans Saying No To Football For Their Kids

Heads Up To Soccer Moms!

Mike Magee Concussions and brain injury associated with football – no news there! Unless, of course, we’re talking about English football or soccer. A study released this week is setting off alarm bells in communities across the US where recreational and competitive soccer now involves more kids then all other sports combined. The study retrospectively […]

Cheerleading Risks on the Rise

What parents should be aware of this fallOrganized sports play center stage in the lives of many teens. And for many parents, that means dealing with bumps and bruises – but also worrying about the possibility of a rare catastrophic event. When you think of women and sports injuries, where do you think most of […]


A serious, and sometimes ignored, risk for young athletes Fall is here and with fall in the United States young people all across the country are playing football. It’s a rough game, which brings cuts and bruises at the very least. But a more serious injury – concussion – lurks just below the surface of […]

On Flying My Own Plane

I live near a little private airport. And every once in awhile, I think about what it might be like to pilot a little plane, taking off, floating up there in peace, bringing the plane in for a perfect landing. But then I look at the facts. There are about 228,000 of those type of […]

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