
Exploring Human Potential

Cutting Safety Net Sends Health Status Lower in U.S.

Mike Magee A Commonwealth Fund study in 2015 compared 13 nations on cost and quality. As most know by now, the U.S. finished near the bottom in quality measures and at the very top, by far, in cost. But the chart that drew my attention was the one above showing health expenditures vs. total spending […]

Hiding In America’s “Deep Poverty Problem” is Health Care.

Mike Magee Angus Deaton, the Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate who documented the tie between America’s raging prescription opioid epidemic and the first multi-year decline in U.S. life expectancy in our history, has done it again. This time it’s America’s poor in a New York Times Op-ed title “The U.S. Can No Longer Hide From […]

A Model of Cooperation and Teamwork For Healthcare – Unlocking Human Potential.

In the December 19, 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Kelly M. Doran MD and her co-authors make the case that investment in social services such as education, housing and transportation have a marked positive impact on increased health quality and decreased health cost. They site studies supporting the “estimate that medical […]

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