
Exploring Human Potential

CDC Map Of Skin Cancers: How Does Your State Rate?

In a series of CDC maps, the U.S. states are divided into groups, based on the rates at which people developed or died from melanoma of the skin in 2007, which is the most recent year with numbers available. The rates are the numbers out of 100,000 people who developed or died from melanoma of the […]

Indoor Tanning Is Carcinogenic

Becky Wiley, The Skin Cancer Foundation The misconception that there is no scientific basis for banning indoor tanning needs to be dispelled. Recent studies provide evidence linking indoor tanning bed use to melanoma and reinforce the declaration by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that indoor tanning devices are carcinogenic to humans. A press […]

Sun Facts: The Age of “Sunfusion”

Mike Magee We’re about to enter the sunny season, and for many it’s “sunfusion” – sunlight confusion. Is sun exposure good or bad? Let’s start here: Sun Beds (tanning salons) – bad.(1) But what about everyday natural sun? On the positive side: boosts Vitamin D (may protect against diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases), elevates […]

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