
Exploring Human Potential

FDA Taking a Stand on “Natural” Label Claims?

New ruling on high fructose corn syrup is a first step — and industry has responded This week, the FDA decided to (sort of) take a stand on the use of the word “natural” in processed foods. First, some background. Many food products are labeled with the claim “natural,” but it has been problematic. There […]

Probiotics: Hope or Hype?

A look at the “hot” food product in 2007… What does the science say? Foods with probiotics were the "it" products in 2007. Dannon’s Activia yogurt alone accounts for 40% of it’s U.S. sales. In 2008, as the the products become even more prevalent, consumers and health experts are asking, does this stuff really work? […]

Leaning Green

Using local, natural, and sustainable resources I attended an event called "Celebrating Food" hosted by Les Dames d’Escoffier DC chapter. One of the sessions focused on eating local foods. Here are my notes for your reading pleasure. Think you can’t do anything to "lean green?" Think again. Read on to find out how. Let’s start […]

When Bad Ideas Happen to Good Companies

Does Safeway’s FoodFlex Program help consumers when it suggests replacing walnuts with almonds? I love Safeway. I am impressed with their “Eating Right” line of food. I especially like their black bean soup, which offers 14 grams of fiber and only 120 calories for about a buck. True convenience, nutrition, and economy wrapped up in a […]

USDA Pointing Fingers at the Humane Society?

Do you think the humane society did the right thing by keeping their investigation secret? On a media conference call today about the 143 million pounds of recalled beef the USDA said they were disappointed with how the Humane Society handled the exposure of The Westland Meat Company’s handling of sick cattle. The USDA said […]

Obama Sees Health Care Role for Registered Dietitians

Candidate wants to see RDs help people to lose weight and prevent disease complications Prevention in health care may stand a chance after all. Senator Obama highlighted the importance of dietitians to help save precious health care dollars in the Democratic debates last week with this quote: "So I’ve already said a sizable portion of […]

A Healthy Makeover For Your Pantry

Cooking healthy food at home doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a useful guide to help you stock up on staple foods for your pantry, refrigerator and freezer. Thanks to the University of Nebraska’s "cook it quick" program for providing consumers with some great resources to prepare meals at home – without breaking the bank. […]

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