
Exploring Human Potential

What is a “Reasonable Risk”? Human Health and the BP Oil Spill

Mike Magee On Tuesday, June 22, 2010, the IOM will convene a two day conference at the request of HHS Secretary Sebelius titled: Assessing the Human Health Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. According to the IOM, “During the first day’s sessions, speakers and panelists will discuss the potential adverse health effects for humans […]

IOM Hosts Meeting on Potential Human Health Effects of the Gulf Oil Spill

Judy Salerno As oil continues to pour into the Gulf of Mexico, many questions remain unanswered. What are the potential consequences—both physical and psychological—for the short-term and long-term health of residents of affected areas? Is it safe to swim in the ocean? Can we eat seafood from the Gulf? Will drinking water be contaminated?  The […]

Putting The BP Oil Spill Into Context: A Governance Challenge

Mike Magee MD Next week, at the direction of the Commissioner of Health and Human Services, the Institute of Medicine will be convening a two day conference to assess the human health effects of the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. (1) After listening to all the experts, I’ll be moderating a panel exploring […]

Is Cadmium the New Lead?

Mike Magee MD The report began “Could cadmium be the new lead?” and was illustrated with four “Shrek glasses”, part of a promotional McDonald’s campaign. (1) Now that caught my eye because I’ve been following lead and fast food for awhile. In 2005 I first reported on the checkered history of lead in America. (2) […]

Do You Know What A Population Pyramid Is?

Mike Magee If you take a look at the map, you can see that Africa, and to a lesser extent for South and Southeast Asia and Central America, have relatively high numbers of individuals who are young. Gary Fuller in 1995 described this as a “youth bulge”1995. Some have suggested that an excess in especially […]

A New Approach to the Obesity Problem

Depending on our own particular situations, it’s likely that we all perceive the obesity epidemic differently. It may be one of the top issues on your mind, or, on the other hand, you might see it as “not your problem.” But if you watch this week’s Health Politics program, you’ll soon understand that obesity is […]

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