
Exploring Human Potential

American Medical News: Physician smartphone popularity shifts health IT

PAMELA LEWIS DOLAN American Medical News:  amednews staff. Posted Aug. 23, 2010. Doctors’ embrace of such devices puts them at a disconnect with hospitals that rely on desktop-based health technology. With physician smartphone use nearing a saturation point, doctors are in an unfamiliar position when it comes to health information technology — demanding that others […]

Why Public Housing Units Should Be Smoke Free.

Mike Magee The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) oversees the housing of 7 million Americans in public multi-housing units. 40% of these units are occupied by families with children. These homes fall under the local jurisdiction of some 3500 Public Housing Authorities nationwide. The mean annual income of households in public housing is […]

EHR’s: Healthy Relationships, Not Health Records

Eric Dishman It’s been eleven years since my Intel colleague, John Sherry, and I first did some fieldwork studying physician practices and hospitals that were in the throes of choosing, installing, and/or experiencing EHRs (electronic health records) for the first time. Most interesting to me of these studies has been when we could get in […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 13

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders Day 9. […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 12

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders Day 9. […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 10

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders Day 9. […]

The Bob Butler Tribute: 2 Week Seminar on Aging – Day 9

The Bob Butler Tribute Seminar Day 1. Aging Demographics Day 2. The Challenge of Longevity Day 3. Measuring Aging Vitality and Independence Day 4. When Caregivers Need Care Day 5. Long Distance Caregivers Day 6. The Economics of Living Longer Day 7. Financing Home Health Care Day 8. Elder Abuse and Vulnerable Elders Day 9. […]

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