
Exploring Human Potential

New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights”

Mike Magee As the nation returns to school, New Jersey is adjusting to a new law called the “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights”. (1) It was passed in the wake of public outcry over the death last year of Rutgers freshmean, Tyler Clementi. Under the provision, all schools in the state must have aggressive anti-bullying policies […]

Avoiding PERC (and your Dry Cleaner) – A Win, Win, Win.

Mike Magee Looking for a win, win, win? What about something that will save you money, protect our environment, and protect human health. Let’s talk dry cleaners.(1) First, let me say, I can afford to go to a dry cleaner, although I don’t have as much need for them as I once did. But the […]

CDC – All Colon Screening Tests Are Not Created Equal.

Mike Magee The CDC made news this week with the latest statistics on colon cancer in the US. (1) They hit the facts but missed the point. First the good news: Colon cancer declined significantly from 2003 to 2007. Deaths declined in 49 states (Mississippi being the outlier). The rate of new cases of colorectal cancer […]

State of The World’s Mothers Report: A “Save The Children” Study Released

Save the Children’s State of the World’s Mothers Report freflects on the United States investment of  one half of 1 percent of the federal budget fighting global poverty. Explore the report’s rankings of the world’s best and worst places to be a mother and essays by prominent contributors for yourself.

Hand Washing: Do You Know All The Facts? Probably Not!

(NEJM VIDEO: Hand Washing) Mike Magee It’s been over 20 years since I began nearly every work day in front of a deep water sink in a surgical suite. The 10 minute wash was something I learned properly on the first day of my residency at the University of North Carolina. I stuck to the […]

Epilepsy Advocate Radio Launched

Epilepsy affects more than three million Americans and while many of them will lead successful, independent lives, one-third will continue to struggle to find treatment options to control seizures. Epilepsy Advocate Radio is a resource for people living with epilepsy that offers inspirational stories and commentary from real life people who are living well with […]

Understanding Miscarriage: What To Say and What Not To Say

Mike Magee Pregnancy can be an exciting and happy time for potential parents. But when something goes wrong and miscarriage is a result, recovery can be difficult. It’s not so much the physical problems as the emotional ones. With about 1 million known miscarriages out of 6 million U.S. pregnancies each year, a startling number of […]

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