
Exploring Human Potential

Giving Thanks: Medicine vs. the NRA

Mike Magee This Thanksgiving, I send a special “thank you” to physicians nationwide who refused to buckle to the NRA’s demand that they “stay in their lane”, and stood up for kids across America. There can be little debate that gun violence is a serious health risk, and that the NRA is enabler in chief. […]

NEJM Weighs in on Preventing Gun Violence

In an article this week on prevention of gun violence , Garen Wintemute offers this list of solutions: ACTIONS TO PREVENT FIREARM VIOLENCE Improve background-check policies Require background checks for private-party transfers Require state and local agencies to report prohibiting events Fully implement the existing federal background-check requirement Clarify definitions of prohibiting events Strengthen enforcement […]

Key Question For Catholic Hierarchy: “Is Celibacy The Problem?”

Mike Magee In the British Medical Journal in 1950, “expert” Dr. S.L. Simpson stated without evidence that “It is perhaps of clinical interest that for every one case of organic impotence that comes my way, I see at least 10 of psychological impotence.”  Three decades later I published a paper in the journal UROLOGY titled “Psychogenic […]

The House of Medicine Stands Tall – A Day of Reckoning.

 VIDEO   Mike Magee Last evening, the normally controlled Rachel Maddow could no longer contain her humanity when forced to report that the Trump administration has been placing innocent babies and and other young children in three  “tender age shelters” in south Texas. She broke down in tears and could not speak on camera. Long […]

Juul – Fun Facts!

Mike Magee Most everyone by now has heard about Juul, the leading brand name for e-cigarettes. But, for most of us, that’s where our knowledge begins and ends – except for a growing awareness that there’s a controversy brewing about risk, teenage use, school policy, and profiteering by Big Tobacco which is getting a piece […]

Cutting Safety Net Sends Health Status Lower in U.S.

Mike Magee A Commonwealth Fund study in 2015 compared 13 nations on cost and quality. As most know by now, the U.S. finished near the bottom in quality measures and at the very top, by far, in cost. But the chart that drew my attention was the one above showing health expenditures vs. total spending […]

How Long Will You Live? Check Your Zip Code.

RWJF has created this interactive tool which looks at life expectancy by Zip Code. Check it out HERE.

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