
Exploring Human Potential

AAFP Remembers Barbara Starfield MD

AAFP Source Material “Barbara Starfield, M.D., M.P.H., of Baltimore, died June 10 at age 78. A pediatrician and renown health services researcher, Starfield was considered a strong advocate for primary care and a friend to family medicine. Starfield received her medical degree from the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, […]

EHR’s: Healthy Relationships, Not Health Records

Eric Dishman It’s been eleven years since my Intel colleague, John Sherry, and I first did some fieldwork studying physician practices and hospitals that were in the throes of choosing, installing, and/or experiencing EHRs (electronic health records) for the first time. Most interesting to me of these studies has been when we could get in […]

Can Health Plans Explain Why They Aren’t Re-Empowering Primary Care?

The health care crisis can be traced in part to the marginalization of primary care

More On Physician Reimbursement, CMS, and the AMA’s RVS Update Committee (RUC)

An opinion on how the sole-source relationship between CMS and the AMA’s RUC threatens Medicare’s pilot on medical homes (Note: At Health Care Renewal, Dr. Roy Poses, a Clinical Associate Professor at Brown University’s School of Medicine, writes a consistently excellent blog on health care financial conflict . Both he and I have written extensively […]

Rebuilding The Medical Home: What Walgreens Surely Sees

Walgreen’s purchase of two worksite clinic companies could be the most important health care development in recent years Though it probably went mostly unnoticed in the cacophony of health care stories, last week’s news that Walgreen’s had bought the two largest and most well-established worksite clinic firms, iTrax and Whole Health Management, was a harbinger […]

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