
Exploring Human Potential

A Message From “Paul From The Pocono’s”.

Paul Boggia Mike Magee My brother-in-law, Paul, is visiting this weekend. He’s the director of the Main Street Counseling Center in Stroudsburg, PA. If you go to his site, you will find a Mission Statement which says, in part, “It is our belief that with the powerful healing combination of hope, compassion, and clinical expertise, […]

Sunny Days

Mike Magee So here’s my back yard with 9 days left in March. But I choose not to focus on the snow, but rather the sun – which is shinning today, and will soon lead to a short New England spring and a beautiful New England summer. But the sunny season for many has come […]

Status Report – 27 Months After Newtown.

Mike Magee December 14, 2012 seems a long time ago – 27 months ago tomorrow. That is when 20 young souls, age 6 and 7, were shot down in Newton, CT. Two days after the tragedy, I wrote: “Did we as a nation do all that was possible to avoid the disaster in Newtown, CT? […]

CDC – All Colon Screening Tests Are Not Created Equal.

Mike Magee The CDC made news this week with the latest statistics on colon cancer in the US. (1) They hit the facts but missed the point. First the good news: Colon cancer declined significantly from 2003 to 2007. Deaths declined in 49 states (Mississippi being the outlier). The rate of new cases of colorectal cancer […]

Hand Washing: Do You Know All The Facts? Probably Not!

(NEJM VIDEO: Hand Washing) Mike Magee It’s been over 20 years since I began nearly every work day in front of a deep water sink in a surgical suite. The 10 minute wash was something I learned properly on the first day of my residency at the University of North Carolina. I stuck to the […]

EHR’s: Healthy Relationships, Not Health Records

Eric Dishman It’s been eleven years since my Intel colleague, John Sherry, and I first did some fieldwork studying physician practices and hospitals that were in the throes of choosing, installing, and/or experiencing EHRs (electronic health records) for the first time. Most interesting to me of these studies has been when we could get in […]

Is DNA Testing of College Freshman a Good Idea?

Mike Magee MD In 2005, I examined the issues of eating disorders in college bound women. (1) I had the following advise for parents, students and the colleges themselves: ” For parents, begin early by examining your own prejudices and biases regarding food, nutrition, weight, and body image. What behaviors are you modeling for your children? Parents […]

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