
Exploring Human Potential

Indoor Tanning Is Carcinogenic

Becky Wiley, The Skin Cancer Foundation The misconception that there is no scientific basis for banning indoor tanning needs to be dispelled. Recent studies provide evidence linking indoor tanning bed use to melanoma and reinforce the declaration by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that indoor tanning devices are carcinogenic to humans. A press […]

Hand Washing: Do You Know All The Facts? Probably Not!

(NEJM VIDEO: Hand Washing) Mike Magee It’s been over 20 years since I began nearly every work day in front of a deep water sink in a surgical suite. The 10 minute wash was something I learned properly on the first day of my residency at the University of North Carolina. I stuck to the […]

My Opinion: E-Care Is Ethical, Effective, and Economical Care

Eric Dishman I make it a general rule not to discuss Intel’s products in this blog, and in so doing, have erred on the side of rarely even mentioning our Intel® Health Guide. Which also means that I haven’t been able to share what our customers are learning as they adopt e-care (electronic care) or […]

Is DNA Testing of College Freshman a Good Idea?

Mike Magee MD In 2005, I examined the issues of eating disorders in college bound women. (1) I had the following advise for parents, students and the colleges themselves: ” For parents, begin early by examining your own prejudices and biases regarding food, nutrition, weight, and body image. What behaviors are you modeling for your children? Parents […]

Palliative Care

Lighting the way to home-centered health careIn recent years I have frequently written about and discussed the need for a "parallel build-out" in order to achieve truly preventative care in the United States. This refers to the challenge on the one hand of better managing our current burden of chronic disease in mostly older Americans, […]

Genetics Meets Preventive Health Care

Can our system transform fast enough to catch up to our science?The people, and the people caring for the people, in the United States and around the world, are just beginning to absorb what the term “preventive health care” really means.  Until recently, it was enough to simply think of it as something different from […]

Brailer Comes Home

Dr. David Brailer, former Health IT Czar for the Bush Administration, has literally and figuratively “come home.” While part of the administration, with limited resources, he focused on the need for a coordinated national medical information infrastructure. It (perhaps by necessity) reinforced traditional power silos and an interventional system centered on a primary loop for […]

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