
Exploring Human Potential

Stains Outlast Gains as Industry Encroaches on Physician Prescribing Power

  Opioid Czar & Czarina Mike Magee When the AMA helped empower Purdue Pharma funded Pain Management by granting specialty status in its’ Federation in the 1980s– and with that legitimacy of pain as the “5th vital sign”; and when everyday physicians (especially primary care physicians who were targeted by Purdue Pharma) became easy marks […]

Doctor Senators Barrasso and Price – They Are No Royal Copeland.

Sen. Royal Copeland M.D. (D, NY) Mike Magee This week the Republican leadership once again released an unapologetically regressive plan for America’s healthcare that would drive a further wedge between rich and poor and sow despair deep into America’s soul. Sadly, two of the primary leaders of the effort are fellow physicians, Sen. John Barrasso […]

Doctors in the Top 5% – Not The Top 1% by Income. Oh, and Canadian doctors make more than U.S. doctors.

Source What are the average 2017 earnings of U.S. doctors? Primary Care – $217,000  Specialties – $316,000 What is the salary span for doctors by specialty? Pediatricians make the least ($202,000), Orthopedists the most ($489,000). How much have salaries grown in the last six years? 43%, from an average $206,000 in 2011 to an average […]

The Physician Psyche – An Existential Crisis of Our Own Making

Mike Magee The medical journals these days are replete with analyses of the latest health reform measures, and their negative impact on the physician psyche. It would be easy to simply connect the dots, and say that physician discontent is the result of ill-advised organizational changes. But, in reality, this problem has plagued the profession […]

Do We Really Need More Physicians?

Mike Magee President Obama’s Affordable Care Act arguably signaled that the status quo in health delivery was no longer acceptable. This was not the result of politics or a desire for social engineering, but a reflection of changing dynamic forces reshaping an out-of-date sector. The three key trends that outpaced our delivery system were an […]

More Physicians Going Part-Time

American Medical News reports, “Increasing numbers of physicians are seeking part-time positions with flexible hours, resulting in higher turnover rates for some small practices that do not adjust to the trend and challenges for those that do.”  Issues? Physician preferences versus patient demand, payment for part-time work, and reactions of full-time physicians.

Doctors Don’t Discuss Diet With Obese Patients

Source: Los Angeles Times “With the nation’s high rates of obesity and the low odds of weight loss, perhaps weary doctors are just giving up. National statistics show that only about half of obese Americans were advised by their doctors to cut down on fatty foods. The rate, from a 2006 survey, has not changed […]

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