
Exploring Human Potential

Water Disinfection for Developing Countries

Unique water filtration unit has the potential to make a big difference. Wilderness and outdoor activities take many of us to the farthest reaches of the globe. Adventures in the mountains, forests, oceans and deserts bring us to countries in Africa, South America, Central America, Asia, and other places, where food, water, and shelter are […]

Without the Wilderness, There Can Be No Wilderness Medicine

An open letter to the presidential candidates In this 2008 United States presidential campaign, as the two main candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, are being scrutinized by voters and analysts for their strengths and weaknesses, largely related to the war in Iraq and the U.S. economy, we wish to remind the candidates that we […]

Blisters 101

Blisters are the bane of hikers and runners. This post explains their causes and formation. The Wilderness Medical Society Annual Meeting & 25th Anniversary held in Snowmass, Colorado from July 25-30, 2008 was fantastic in every aspect. The meeting was attending by more than 300 individuals, and included lectures, workshops, evening presentations and a celebration […]

Ozone and the Outdoors

Air quality concerns continue to rise Here’s an interesting news item (within the quotation marks) that was recently brought to my attention: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Even breathing in a little ozone at levels found in many areas is likely to kill some people prematurely, the National Research Council reported. The report recommends that the U.S. […]

Ozone and the Wilderness

The impact of ground-level ozone upon human health Here’s an interesting news item that was recently brought to my attention. The content is from Reuters on April 22, 2008: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Even breathing in a little ozone at levels found in many areas is likely to kill some people prematurely, the National Research Council reported. […]

Celebrating Our 25th

Wilderness Medical Society 25th Anniversary and Annual Meeting to be held in Snowmass, Colorado It is a great pleasure to announce the 25th Anniversary and Annual Meeting of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS). It’s hard to believe that it has been 25 years since I collaborated with Ed Geehr, MD and Ken Kizer, MD to create […]

Outdoor Medicine

Hospitalito Atitlan I’m delighted to be able to contribute to Health Commentary by sharing some of my important posts from my blog at Healthline entitled "Medicine for the Outdoors," which can be reached by visiting Healthline. I recently completed a week working at the Hospitalito Atitlan in Santiago, Atitlan, state of Solola in the highlands of […]

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