
Exploring Human Potential

After 40 Years, Patients Still Crave Attention and Respect

Guest Blog | Barbara Ficarra September 13, 2009 | Patient Advocacy The Doctor/Patient Relationship What do patients want? Despite the technological promises of the Health 2.0 movement, in some ways it’s really no different today than it was forty years ago. An article that appeared in Time Magazine on May 13, 1966 says: “Today, Americans […]

Leaving the Emergency Room

It’s great to be discharged, but be sure to follow instructions! Have you ever been a patient in an emergency department?  If your visit to the ED didn’t require an admission, that’s good news.  After being told by the ED doctor that you could go home and armed you with discharge instructions, you most likely […]

Nurses and Doctors Together for the Good of the Patients

It’s a very good thing… What were the biggest challenges you faced as a patient in the hospital?  If you could change anything about your hospital experience what would it be?  Were there enough nurses and doctors on staff to care for you especially at night and on weekends?  Was there a team effort between […]

Celebrating Our 25th

Wilderness Medical Society 25th Anniversary and Annual Meeting to be held in Snowmass, Colorado It is a great pleasure to announce the 25th Anniversary and Annual Meeting of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS). It’s hard to believe that it has been 25 years since I collaborated with Ed Geehr, MD and Ken Kizer, MD to create […]

Health 2.0

Weighing in with a reality checkMaybe you saw the article: “Health 2.0 Helps, But Personal Contact Remains Top Weight Loss Strategy.” OK. I made up the headline.  But the information comes from an article that provides food for thought for those of us who speak, blog and otherwise evangelize about the good things the Internet […]

Outdoor Medicine

Hospitalito Atitlan I’m delighted to be able to contribute to Health Commentary by sharing some of my important posts from my blog at Healthline entitled "Medicine for the Outdoors," which can be reached by visiting Healthline. I recently completed a week working at the Hospitalito Atitlan in Santiago, Atitlan, state of Solola in the highlands of […]

Dossia: Under-visioned

New service moves in the right direction, but is still a long way from lifespan planning I was asked recently by an MBA student to give my impressions of Dossia. What is Dossia? In its own words: “The Dossia Founders Group is a consortium of large employers united in their goal of providing employees, their dependents, […]

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