
Exploring Human Potential

A Faustian Bargain Comes Home to Roost – Already!

Valerie Huber Mike Magee “The Department of Health and Human Services is shaping up to be a huge headache for the radical Left”, crowed the Family Research Council in a June 12, 2017 release. Commenting specifically on the appointment of controversial nominee  Valerie Huber, formerly head of the National Abstinence Education Association, as chief of […]

Contrasting the AAMC Endorsement of Tom Price with Jordan Cohen’s Support of Humanism and Professionalism.

Mike Magee The decision by the AAMC to aggressively endorse Tom Price’s candidacy for HHS Secretary has confused and concerned more than a few of my academic colleagues. In light of the organization’s work on reinforcing social consciousness and empathy in medical students, it struck a remarkably discordant note. In 2002, I approached the AAMC […]

Should New York State’s Medical Society Oppose Mandated End-Of-Life Discussions With Patients?

Mike Magee Nearly 30 years ago, when the consumer health movement began in earnest, health professionals responded with extreme caution, concerned that their authority and control over patients and the health care system would ultimately be challenged. To the credit of most doctors, nurses and health care leaders, caregivers have evolved, accepting that the best […]

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