
Exploring Human Potential

Can Good Nutrition Sell?

A look at the “Guiding Stars” rating system There’s a lot of turmoil in the food and beverage industry these days – particularly in fast foods – as brands scramble to understand the changing wants and needs of consumers. One of the driving forces at work is a new consumer consciousness about nutritional value in […]

Turning to Gastric Bypass

A glimpse of one man’s struggle with obesityThe National Geographic Channel recently examined the life and motivations of a 28-year-old grappling with obesity and the possibility of a significantly shortened lifespan. His solution was gastric bypass surgery — a procedure that is more and more common. What’s your opinion about the growing obesity problem in […]

China Joins Cola Wars

Obesity Just Around the Corner? One thing is pretty clear if you’re a developing nation, and that is that multi-national marketers have you in their cross-hairs. And for China or India — with huge populations — that goes double. China, of course, is a special case. Whether it be tobacco consumption, an electrical grid fired […]

Going Under the Knife to Lose Weight

What you don’t know about bariatric surgery can hurt you “Obesity is an epidemic!” That’s what we’ve all heard. And the facts are convincing. Our collective Body Mass Index (BMI – which factors in weight and height, and is normally 20 to 25) is growing too fast. The percentage of Americans with a BMI over […]

Corn in My Hamburger?

The subject of this week’s Health Politics program might come as quite a shock to you. The gist? There’s corn in nearly every processed food we eat. This might not sound like such a big deal at first. Corn is good for us, right? Yes … and no. Corn in its natural state can be […]

A New Approach to the Obesity Problem

Depending on our own particular situations, it’s likely that we all perceive the obesity epidemic differently. It may be one of the top issues on your mind, or, on the other hand, you might see it as “not your problem.” But if you watch this week’s Health Politics program, you’ll soon understand that obesity is […]

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