
Exploring Human Potential

The American Food Revolution: Jamie Oliver Leads The Way

Mike Magee Last night, my wife Trish forced me to sit down and watch British chef Jamie Oliver’s “Food Revolution“. (1) He’s on a mission to change the way America eats. And he has some experience doing just that . His 4 part series in the UK unlocked the purse strings to the tune of 1 […]

“Virtual Water”: Water For Food

Mike Magee Most US health professionals understand by now that the average American diet is seriously out of wack. Both in quantity and quality we’re way off the mark. And the direct results are soaring levels of childhood obesity in the young and an ever expanding burden of chronic disease in adults. And US based […]

New York City Takes on the American Diet

New York City is 8 million strong, the epicenter of global finance and "type A" personalities. It is also the home of 1 million obese Americans and an additional 2 million who are clinically overweight.1 Eighteen percent of those who are obese and 10% of those who are overweight suffer from diabetes.1,2 The cost of […]

America’s CEOs Set Priorities for the Obama Administration

The Nation’s Most Influential Business Leaders Have Developed Consensus Priorities for America’s FutureThis past Monday and Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal convened an extraordinary conference of about 100 CEOs to develop and recommend issue priorities for the new Administration. (See the participant list here.) This meeting brought together the nation’s industry power players. Several Senators […]

Food As Sport

The mixed message surrounding healthy eating habits The emphasis on the obesity epidemic by health care experts has generated widespread media coverage.  Obesity across all age groups is rampant in America and has grave consequences for our health and longevity.  While this problem continues to be studied and multi disciplinary approaches towards interventions have been […]

PE in Our Nation’s Schools

A case of “many children left behind” and a nice “FIT” for health care Physical education used to be a standard feature in the American educational system, but it’s barely visible now. And that may be having a much greater negative impact than we realize. Claus von Zastrow, PhD, executive director of Learning First Alliance, […]

Leveraging the Doctor as a Trusted Authority

How the medical community can influence society I was on the phone with my good friend Bill Bestermann MD recently. Dr. B, a preventive cardiologist who is passionate about the underlying mechanics of cardiovascular disease and the horrific toll the American diet and lack of exercise is taking on everyday people, lives in spectacularly beautiful, […]

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