
Exploring Human Potential

“Balancing Calories to Manage Weight: Recommendations, Barriers, Strategies and Communications”

2:00 – 3:30 PM Eastern Time Price: Free Description: This ASN-Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) webinar, “Balancing Calories to Manage Weight: Recommendations, Barriers, Strategies and Communications,” will be the first of a series of webinars that examines these key recommendations and presents an easily digestible set of recommendations, strategies and communications to help you […]

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup The Next Trans Fat?

Mike Magee In the world of Mad Men consumer advertising, first you name it, then you sell it.(1) OK, it’s a little more complicated than that. In naming a consumer product, you consider what that product might mean to the consumer and study what types of terms resonate. And when the product is launched, and […]

Thank You, Jamie Oliver!

Meredith Magee Donnelly As an early childhood educator I learned that nutrition and education go hand in hand.  Too often children are labeled as ADHD or a behavioral problem without first looking at their diets.  During one of my summer breaks I researched the effects food additives and dyes have on the behavior of children […]

The American Food Revolution: Jamie Oliver Leads The Way

Mike Magee Last night, my wife Trish forced me to sit down and watch British chef Jamie Oliver’s “Food Revolution“. (1) He’s on a mission to change the way America eats. And he has some experience doing just that . His 4 part series in the UK unlocked the purse strings to the tune of 1 […]

FDA Taking a Stand on “Natural” Label Claims?

New ruling on high fructose corn syrup is a first step — and industry has responded This week, the FDA decided to (sort of) take a stand on the use of the word “natural” in processed foods. First, some background. Many food products are labeled with the claim “natural,” but it has been problematic. There […]

A Healthy Makeover For Your Pantry

Cooking healthy food at home doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a useful guide to help you stock up on staple foods for your pantry, refrigerator and freezer. Thanks to the University of Nebraska’s "cook it quick" program for providing consumers with some great resources to prepare meals at home – without breaking the bank. […]

Corn in My Hamburger?

The subject of this week’s Health Politics program might come as quite a shock to you. The gist? There’s corn in nearly every processed food we eat. This might not sound like such a big deal at first. Corn is good for us, right? Yes … and no. Corn in its natural state can be […]

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