
Exploring Human Potential

Arsenic and Rice: Why Rice Cereal For Babies Is Not A Good Choice.

Mike Magee Thanks to Consumer Reports, most Americans are at least somewhat aware that there are issues with rice – specifically arsenic. Their initial report from 2012 has just been updated with a 2014 Report with hundreds of measurements and testing of alternate grains as well. What do you need to know? The Basics: Arsenic […]

Home-Cooking: Gender-Neutral and Too Important To Outsource.

Mike Magee Home may be “where the heart is”, but few would argue that it is currently “where the health is”. In America, we abhor homelessness, but we have historically been unusually tolerant of “healthlessness”. Many of us worked on the concept of “Medical Home” only to find it fall far short in its’ implementation. […]

Happy Independence Day! Celebrating A Home Based Food Culture.

Mike Magee When it comes to childhood obesity, this July 4th, geography will make all the difference. That’s the conclusion of a University of North Carolina study of nearly 30,000 kids.(1)  But if you’re thinking “geography” as in “region of the country”, you’re on the wrong track.Geography here means where the food was prepared and […]

Pre-Prepared Food At Home: Not The Same As “Home Cooked”

Mike Magee When it comes to childhood obesity, geography makes all the difference. That’s the conclusion of a University of North Carolina study of nearly 30,000 kids in the August issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.(1)  But if you’re thinking “geography” as in “region of the country”, you’re on the wrong track. […]

Retailers are  joining  first lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to bring nutritious foods to America’s “food deserts” — areas of the US with little access to healthy foods. Wal-Mart, Walgreens and SuperValu, and some regional retailers will be adding more than 1,500 stores to bring more nutritious and fresh food to communities. The companies’ executives are joining […]

Paying The Price For Poor Food Choices

Mike Magee A new study published  in this week’s Archives of Internal Medicine had this headline finding: “Better access to supermarkets” does not “improve people’s diets.” The study tracked thousands of people in several large cities for 15 years. Specifically, researchers wanted to know if citizens ate any healthier if supermarkets were placed in their […]

Food Plating In America: What A Waste

Mike Magee When I first began to educate myself about water, with the help of water experts at the United Nations, I was surprised by the facts.(1) Only 3% of the water is fresh, and less then 1% accessible. 70% of human consumption of water goes to agriculture. And the American diet, biased to meat […]

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