
Exploring Human Potential

Medical Leaders and Consumers Lining Up To Support Nurses.

Mike Magee On January 1, 2014, as a result of implementation of the Affordable Care Act,  the US will experience a major expansion of individuals covered by health insurance. The law includes three key pillars – insurers must provide coverage to all comers regardless of medical history; all citizens must pay in (either through purchase […]

HRSA Report: Nursing Supply Growing

HRSA Report: “There were 2.8 million RNs (including advanced practice RNs) and 690,000 LPNs working in the field of nursing or seeking nursing employment in 2008 to 2010. About 445,000 RNs (16 percent) and 166,000 LPNs (24 percent) lived in rural areas. The per capita distribution of RNs varied substantially across states. The nursing workforce […]

2 Steps Forward: Expose Grover and Listen To Nurses

Mike Magee This has undeniably been a year of challenges. Since when did cooperation and compromise become dirty words?  We’re all tied up in knots coming to grips with the fact that the world has changed quicker then our ability to accomodate those changes. It’s catch-up time. But first we have to break free. Here’s […]

Why The House of Medicine Needs To Add Nurse Education Funding To Its’ 2011-2012 Legislative Priorities

Mike Magee We will soon add an additional 35 plus million Americans to our health care system with the expectation of improving the overall health, productivity and competitiveness of Americans in the process. Thinking of this challenge in terms of production or provision of services, we are faced with a glaring human resource weakness – […]

Health Professional Collaboration Inside and Outside The Hospital

Mike Magee Ten days ago, my wife and I were blessed with the arrival of our 8th and 9th grandchildren – two little girls, Charlotte and Luca. We were also introduced for the first time, as health consumers, to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The girls came early, at 34 weeks, and are working […]

Don’t go to the Hospital Without these Ten Safety Tips

A trusted family member or friend should be your advocate Heading to the hospital?  Don’t go alone.  Knowing exactly what’s going on with your care is critical. Medical mistakes unfortunately do happen in hospitals and shockingly, it is reported that 238,337 patients died from potentially preventable medical errors during 2004 through 2006, according to HealthGrades’ […]

Leaving the Emergency Room

It’s great to be discharged, but be sure to follow instructions! Have you ever been a patient in an emergency department?  If your visit to the ED didn’t require an admission, that’s good news.  After being told by the ED doctor that you could go home and armed you with discharge instructions, you most likely […]

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