
Exploring Human Potential

Postpartum Depression

A serious condition that shouldn’t be ignoredPostpartum depression is a serious condition that can have devastating consequences when it goes unrecognized or untreated. It affects one in eight women who give birth, yet it is just now getting the attention it deserves. One woman described it this way, “I thought I would be overjoyed when […]


7 VISIONS to guide the build-out of a new health care system As we move toward a new administration, and our new leaders and their challenges are laid out before us, it is useful to ask ourselves, "Do we know what we want to build?" For health care, I’ve given this question some serious thought […]

Osteoporosis: A Growing Epidemic

It’s time to get this serious health issue under controlMost of us have heard about osteoporosis, but we’re about to start hearing a lot more. That’s because the incidence of osteoporosis is sharply rising as populations age in the United States and around the world. This growing epidemic will have major implications for our society, […]

The One Slide Project: “Engage in Grace”

With Thanksgiving upon us, we have much to be thankful for, and much still left to  accomplish. Health care statesmen Paul Levy, CEO/President of Beth Israel Deaconess, Lachlan Forrow of Harvard and others this month have launched the project "Engage in Grace", which zeroes in on one pressing need: end-of-life decision making and care. Their idea: […]

HIV – Still Going Strong in the U.S.

Testing is essentialThink we have the upper hand on HIV in the U.S.? Think again. The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research will be convening leaders in the field this month to get the word out. In their words, here are the facts: “Nearly 60,000 Americans were infected with HIV last year, and some 250,000 people […]

A Simple Thank You

Feedback from a reader about Barack ObamaMy post last week on election of President-elect Obama, positive leadership, and our future drew a large number of responses to the site, pro and con. I share with permission one comment from Susan Karim of Braintree, Massachusetts, with her personal wish for openness as we confront significant challenges […]

How Do We Protect Elder Frail Americans?

Recently, issues of elder abuse have resurfaced in both home and institutional settings. As Stephanie Lederman, executive director of the American Federation for Aging Research notes, “A large segment of our population is both dependent and frail. Studies on elder abuse now alert us that seniors are also vulnerable and in need of help.” How […]

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