
Exploring Human Potential

Is it Time to Regulate Infertility Clinics?

The curious case of Nadya Suleman If you’ve turned on the TV in the past few weeks, you couldn’t miss one of two sets of images. The first is our new president attempting to weave his way through a long list of complex issues to stir the country down a different financial path. The second […]

Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream

Don’t forget palliative careAs populations age in the United States, chronic illnesses create an uncertain medical future. By 2030, a fifth of the U.S. population will be over 65, and many will face the challenges of managing one or more chronic illnesses for a significant number of years, including physical and psychological distress, functional dependency […]


Time for straight talk This week we’ve seen opposition to the Obama Administration Stimulus Package with a lead sound bite from the opposition about "Millions for Condoms." In the past, the battle over condoms has often engaged around what approach to birth control and disease prevention is most successful. Back in 1986, Surgeon General C. […]

President Obama’s Generation

Magee family and the passage of timeWatching President Obama’s speech today, as I was doing an emergency repair of my grand-daughter’s doll house in Cumberland, RI, I was very conscious of the passage of time, and the meaning of this historic event to various family generations. For Trish and I, born in the late 40’s, […]

Human Growth Hormone and Aging

What you need to know about HGHHGH is a large, complex protein molecule made up of 191 amino-acid building blocks. It’s produced in the pituitary gland, a peanut-sized organ in the base of the brain. Scientists first began to focus on the growth hormone in the early 1940s as they struggled to understand and help […]

Caffeinated Energy Drinks

Should they have warning labels? Should there be warning labels on caffeinated alcoholic beverages that have exploded onto the marketplace in the past few years? Experts at Johns Hopkins say yes. "The caffeine content of energy drinks varies over a 10-fold range, with some containing the equivalent of 14 cans of Coca-Cola, yet the caffeine […]

Regulating Health

The story of lead poisoningThe recent financial crisis in the U.S. unleashed a passionate debate on the absence of sufficient regulation to protect the interests of Americans. But as regulations associated with health in America well illustrate, it’s not enough to have regulation. You must have the right type of regulation at the right time,  […]

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