
Exploring Human Potential

Ix: Information Therapy

Most people know by now that Electronic Medical Records got a boost from President Obama’s stimulus package- $19 billion to be precise. This money will help to incentivize hospitals and doctors to get moving. Currently, fewer than 20% of hospitals and 25% of physicians’ offices are fully automated. Obama’s administration believes that moving the dial […]

Credit Cards and Mental Health

High levels of debt are adding to overall anxiety In a current survey of fear levels sponsored by Woodbury Commons, over  half the respondents stated that loss of job or income was a major source of distress. Not a surprising result under the currrent circumstances. We’ve known for some time that there are strong linkages […]

Staying Healthy for Less

Our country is experiencing a financial downturn. People are jittery and scared. You can feel it in the air. What we need is a bit of a boost from people who have weathered adversity in the past. My nominee is Elfisio Farris, a first generation American from Sardinia, the large island off the western coast […]

Unhealthy Fears

There is apparently a great deal we don’t know about the current global financial crisis. But one thing we do know is that people are scared. And when people are scared, they not only make different decisions, but they make themselves sick as well. I will be studying fear levels at the "Woodbury Commons" polling […]

School Lunches

A smart destination for stimulus funding As the stimulus package has rolled out, I’ve been trying to think creatively. Where might we get the biggest bang for our buck?  We want to create lasting infrastructure, jobs, and savings- long and short term. We want smart integrated solutions, close to home, right here on Main Street. […]

“Medical Home” Vision

Too much medical, not enough home As we listen to thought leaders and experts in medical education, public health, chronic disease management, global health and the dual burden of disease, wellness and prevention,  and alternative health, two things are clear. First, change is in the air. Second, our thought processes are converging, even as our […]

Tight Budget?

Drop the vitamins!I think it’s fair to say that fear and concern about our individual and collective financial future is now widely, if not evenly, spread everywhere from Wall Street to Main Street and all the stops in-between. And with that has come belt tightening in almost every home in America. So here’s one cost […]

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