
Exploring Human Potential

Ain’t Nobody’s Fault But Mine

The politics of rhetoric Over the past few months as campaigns have saturated the media, it’s occurred to me that the rhetoric of politics – whether from the halls of Congress or from candidates from whatever hue or political persuasion —  has taken on a new tone. There’s a pervasive sense of assigning blame for […]

Why Can’t We Get Health Care Right?

Too much focus on cost, not enough on outcomes What is it about the US healthcare system? Why can’t we seem to get it right? How can we spend nearly 16% of our GDP – trillions of dollars – annually, and still be mired among the lower tier of nations in health quality? And why […]

Our Quality Chasm

There is a lot to be said about quality today. It’s a term we hear in almost any conversation about healthcare, and as much as it’s used, it is misunderstood. Ask most any physician or hospital leader and they will tell you that we have, without question, the best quality healthcare in the world. But […]

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