
Exploring Human Potential

Fear Levels and Health

What we’re still learning from 9/11In a recent Health Commentary essay I addressed the need for positive leadership in our society, specifically in creating the potential for a unified approach to reforming our health care system. I’ve been interested in positive leadership for many years, have written about it extensively, and believe we are suffering […]


Does a diagnosis of mental illness lead to unfair targeting? Health Commentary viewer Mary Donohue wrote to us on Jan. 24 with this thought: "The words and behaviors of any person today with a diagnosis of ‘mental illness’ become the target of scrutiny not required of those who have not been labeled.  "They’re not taking their medication" becomes […]

Equitable treatment for mental illness?

“Mental health parity” is a key issue for those seeking helpFormer First Lady Rosalynn Carter recently discussed the lack of adequate, equitable care for those with mental illness in the United States. In a society that places a great emphasis on equality, those with mental illness often find themselves discriminated against — often because health […]

True Cost of War in Iraq: Provider Fatigue

As I mentioned earlier this week, prior Health Politics pieces have catalogued the true cost of the war in Iraq. March 19’s Newsweek, mentioned in The Wall Street Journal this week, identifies yet another cost with its coverage of a military study of the mental health of caregivers in Iraq. High or very high degrees […]

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