
Exploring Human Potential

How Medicaid Is Socializing and Polularizing Single Payer Approaches To Population Health.

 Mike Magee As the Republican controlled Senate prepares for a ballot today to vote on a bill yet to be identified, their governor counterparts in 31 of our 50 states are fast at work familiarizing themselves and socializing themselves to a new way of managing the health of populations within their geographic boundaries – single […]

Medicaid: The Base For Single Payer Health Care?

“Don’t mess with my Medicaid!” That was clearly the takeaway for Republican legislators heard as they met with hometown crowds in the lead up to their historic Trumpcare defeat. Whether they have “given up the ghost” only time will tell. But as the facts below suggest, going back at Medicaid today means attacking a program […]

Thank You, Dr. Berwick!

Under the most difficult circumstances, Dr. Don Berwick has served his country well. Injecting a vision for the future while keeping his eyes focused on the needs of patients, he has helped steer Medicare and Medicaid in the right direction. We trust as well, that what he has learned – both good and bad – […]

Bloomberg Runs Out of Patience on Medical Records

City hospitals will go electronic on their own It was over a year ago, in Washington, that Michael Bloomberg went public with his own vision for a national health care system. I was there that day, and had the impression that the NYC mayor was just galled by the lack of national leadership on a […]

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