
Exploring Human Potential

Reverend King, President Obama and Quiet Change

Mike Magee This week, the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. had little chance of competing with the continued debate around who should be the Republican nominee for President of the United States. While that decision may still be weeks or even months in coming, what is clear is who will be running for President […]

Peter W. Carmel MD, 166th AMA President, A Model Of “Professional Courtesy”

Peter Carmel, Jacqueline Bello, and Family Next week, on June 20, 2011, my wife and I will be joining Dr. Peter Carmel and his wife, Jacqueline Bello MD, and family, friends and colleagues, to celebrate Peter’s inauguration as the 166th President of the American Medical Association. Peter is richly deserving of the honor. His professional […]

The Power of Words

People make a difference, and words do matter. Press Here

Pfizer, Torcetrapib, and HDL: The Dangers of Presuming To Know.

Mike Magee In June 2006, I was meeting privately with a member of Pfizer’s executive leadership team when he shared with me two bits of information that resurfaced in my conciousness today. The first was offered as a bit of coaching (more political than scientific) but has broader application: “Mike, don’t ever presume that you […]

Obama’s Goal: A Better America and Better Americans

Mike Magee Then Senator Obama, on the Senate floor in 2005 said, “We need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom; the empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor, or African American, or gay, or disabled, or old.” (1)  He wasn’t talking […]

A Simple Thank You

Feedback from a reader about Barack ObamaMy post last week on election of President-elect Obama, positive leadership, and our future drew a large number of responses to the site, pro and con. I share with permission one comment from Susan Karim of Braintree, Massachusetts, with her personal wish for openness as we confront significant challenges […]

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