
Exploring Human Potential

A Nation At Risk This 4th of July!

SOURCE: Decline in State/County GPA from Global Warming The fact that the US is the only developed nation in the world that spends more on Health Care than all other Social Services combined according to a 2015 Commonwealth Fund study is a remarkably regressive achievement. Besides reflecting our distorted financial and ethical priorities, and the natural […]

How To Defeat Donald Trump in 2018 and 2020.

Mike Magee It is still early, but I believe Trump may survive immediate impeachment, though a number of his loyal followers may not be so fortunate. This means that those who oppose Trump – both Republicans and Democrats – need to be prepared for elections in 2018 and 2020. After a recent post on the […]

How To Expel Trump From The “Island of Common Stewardship”

Mike Magee In our lifetime, we have witnessed the emergence of the Internet and HIV, of globalization and overnight delivery, of bubbles and bursts in our stock market, of the genomic revolution and the aging revolution.  We have witnessed as well great preparation for war, but little preparation for peace. But we have never experienced […]

David Brooks: Remarkable Essay on Positive vs. Negative Leadership.

Mike Magee For over three decades, I’ve been following and contributing to the literature on leadership – most specifically on the traits that separate positive leaders from negative leaders. This past week, David Brooks wrote an editorial in the New York Times focused on Donald Trump’s leadership, and reacting to a Wall Street Journal editorial […]

Where Will America Find Corporate Citizenship When She Needs It Most?

Mike Magee We live in a world of false narratives – where words lose their meaning – and therefore their predictive value. Appeals to be open-minded compete with requests for vigilance. One would like to believe that sanity will prevail, but if that were routinely true, we would not need checks and balances. In America, […]

Emancipating Pragmatism: Emerson, Ellison, Hillary, Donald, The New Museum, The ADAP Association and African American Health.

Mike Magee In the shadow of Monday’s Presidential debate, expected to attract close to 100 million viewers, this has been a week of remarkable highs and lows for African Americans. Today President Obama will preside over the official opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall in Washington, […]

9/11 Is Still Fresh.

Mike Magee Fifteen years ago, I had the honor to recount the stories of 10 boat captains and 10 passengers who participated in the maritime evacuation of Manhattan Island on 9/11 (the largest maritime rescue operation since Dunkirk in WWII). The experience continues to remind me that America is a great country, and part of […]

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