
Exploring Human Potential

Our Coast Guard Families Deserve Better.

Mike Magee On January 15, 2019, Admiral Karl Schulz informed 42,000 members of the Coast Guard and their families they would not be receiving their January paychecks because of President Trump’s wall-induced government shutdown. “I recognize the anxiety and uncertainty this situation places on you and your family, and we are working closely with service […]

Giving Thanks: Medicine vs. the NRA

Mike Magee This Thanksgiving, I send a special “thank you” to physicians nationwide who refused to buckle to the NRA’s demand that they “stay in their lane”, and stood up for kids across America. There can be little debate that gun violence is a serious health risk, and that the NRA is enabler in chief. […]

How Trump May Help Us Liberalize American Health.

Mike Magee In this week’s The New Yorker, David Remnick reflects on “Trump’s illiberalism” and its’ test of the resilience of  “sturdy-seeming American values” and the endurance of  “institutions that the President has scorned and threatened.” He sees active turnout in the 2018 midterm elections as part of the test, but also suggests that any […]

Parkland Teens Teach “Positive Leadership”! Mike Magee At this time of year my wife and I always try to see the movies nominated for an Academy Award. Recently  we saw Darkest Hour, up for Best Picture as well as a Best Actor nod to Gary Oldman in his role as Winston Churchill. The film begins with Dunkirk and the […]

Labor Day Recovery and Resilience: Insights From Patrick Kennedy

Mike Magee Today, Labor Day, I was greeted by a comment to “moderate” on a piece I wrote 2 years ago. The comment read: “Hello Mike – This post is so touching. Thanks for sharing.” It’s the nature of writing a weekly column for the past 10+ years that it’s often difficult to recall the […]

A Faustian Bargain Comes Home to Roost – Already!

Valerie Huber Mike Magee “The Department of Health and Human Services is shaping up to be a huge headache for the radical Left”, crowed the Family Research Council in a June 12, 2017 release. Commenting specifically on the appointment of controversial nominee  Valerie Huber, formerly head of the National Abstinence Education Association, as chief of […]

Doctor Senators Barrasso and Price – They Are No Royal Copeland.

Sen. Royal Copeland M.D. (D, NY) Mike Magee This week the Republican leadership once again released an unapologetically regressive plan for America’s healthcare that would drive a further wedge between rich and poor and sow despair deep into America’s soul. Sadly, two of the primary leaders of the effort are fellow physicians, Sen. John Barrasso […]

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