
Exploring Human Potential

A National Disgrace: Immigrant Children Imprisoned – # Growing

Source: NYT, 9/12/2018

Cardinal Bernardin to Trump on Health and the Lost Children.

Source: Wash Post 8/27/2018 For health professionals, committed to healing, providing health, and keeping families and communities whole, the many actions of President Trump are deeply offensive on multiple levels – but none more than the deliberate separation of immigrant children from their parents. According to the Washington Post, 528 children remain separated and 23 […]

Number of Separated Children Now 4,100 and climbing!

As Health Commentary predicted this week, the number of missing children resulting from the Trump “zero-tolerance” policy would far exceed 2,300. New estimates by NBC News place the number at 4,100 and climbing. Will it be 5,000, 10,000, more? We don’t know. From NBC News: “Officials have said that at least 2,342 children were separated from […]

ProPublica Has Mapped 97 Immigrant Children Retention Sites – Please Help!

ProPublica has established an open source registry to identify and map all immigrant children retention sites. So far, 97 sites all over the US have been verified. The Trump administration says there are only 2,300 children out there. But the Walmart site in Texas has 1,450 alone. If you are caring for immigrant children in […]

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