
Exploring Human Potential

Why We Must Vote on November 6, 2018.

Mike Magee The Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal calls recent anti-ACA moves by Trump “a bleak example of American exceptionalism – no other nation fails people who are ill so spectacularly as we do.” What has him so riled up is twofold: 1) the erosion of private health insurance with Trump’s executive order with HHS follow […]

Human Health and The BP Oil Spill: Live Simulcast This Morning

At 9:10 PM, Surgeon General Regina Benjamin will deliver remarks live and online from the IOM Workshop: “Assessing The Human Health Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill”.  Following her address, health leaders from Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Florida will describe their current responses to the crisis. In panels that follow during the […]

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